This Platform represents an online space for education, assessment, exchange and community building among young people, trainers, external experts from all sectors, and other stakeholders. It provides eLearning and peer learning services, support assessment of acquired competences and award badges, showcase Hackathon outcomes and products and support the establishment of online virtual communities. The platform includes tools to offer a personalized experience to its registered users and to support special interest groups, a repository of documents and OERs, gallery of Hackathon outcomes, instant messaging, forums and blogs, teleconferencing, indexing and searching, etc. Registration to the platform is free.
The Social Hackademy Online Platform supports the implementation of the Social Hackademy and the online communities formed around it. The platform is developed as an open environment and provides:
1. Services that include the course outlines, the training material (OERs) and the handbooks,
2. Showcasing of Hackathon results, by allowing the participating teams to upload the Hackathon outcomes
3. Virtual community development, by supporting the synchronous and asynchronous collaboration of members of Hackathon teams among themselves and with external experts, the exchange of comments, knowledge and experience, and the promotion of Hackathon outcomes to the community
4. Advanced indexing and search facilities based on tagging of resources